Sell your Canva Templates via CheckYa

How to sell canva templates and make money online in 2024?

Looking to sell your Canva templates to broaden your digital product offerings and generate passive income? You’re in the right place. Canva is a versatile tool for various purposes, from creating presentations to crafting social media posts. Canva can be used to design just about anything. Riding the wave of digital product sales, selling Canva templates can be a lucrative side gig. In this blog post, we’ll cover the potential expenses of creating Canva templates, potential earnings, the types of templates you can create and sell, where to sell your designs, and how to kickstart your journey. Let’s get started.

Table of contents:

  1. Why Sell Canva Templates?
  2. Who Buys Canva Templates?
  3. How Much Can You Make Selling Canva Templates?
  4. Cost of Running a Canva Template Business
  5. 10 Canva Template Ideas that you can create to sell
  6. Where to Sell Your Canva Templates?
  7. How to Sell Your Canva Templates: A Step-by-Step Guide
  8. Conclusion

Sell Canva Templates via CheckYa

Why Sell Canva Templates?

1. Meet Demand: With the rising need for attractive online content, Canva templates provide a ready-made solution for businesses and individuals seeking polished designs.

2. Diversify Portfolio: Whether you’re a seasoned designer or a creative enthusiast, Canva templates allow you to expand your digital product offerings, catering to a broad audience.

3. Passive Income: Selling Canva templates can become a source of passive income, allowing you toearn money with each sale without constant effort, offering scalability.

4. Showcase Your Style: Canva templates are your canvas to express creativity, allowing you to showcase your unique style and artistic flair.

5. Global Reach: Digital products provide global accessibility, enabling your Canva templates to reach a diverse audience from different parts of the world.

Who Buys Canva Templates?

Who buys Canva Templates?

1. Small Businesses: Many small businesses use Canva templates for their social media, marketing, and promotional materials. It helps them look professional without a big design budget.

2. Content Creators: Bloggers, YouTubers, and social media influencers often buy Canva templates to enhance their visual content. It saves them time and ensures a polished look.

3. Entrepreneurs: People starting their businesses find Canva templates valuable for creating consistent and appealing branding across various platforms.

4. Students and Educators: Canva templates are popular among students for presentations and educators for creating engaging educational materials.

5. Event Planners: Individuals or businesses organizing events often purchase Canva templates for invitations, posters, and other promotional materials.

6. Freelancers: Freelancers, such as graphic designers and marketing professionals, might buy Canva templates to streamline their workflow and meet client needs efficiently.

How Much Can You Make Selling Canva Templates?

Selling Canva templates can be profitable, especially when you tap into the right market and create designs that resonate with customers. On popular platforms, Canva templates typically sell for a price range of $12 to $16. If, for instance, you manage to sell 500 templates, your earnings could fall between $6,000 and $8,000. These potential substantial earnings highlight the profitable nature of selling digital products.

Pricing digital downloads can be tricky, so it’s a good idea to check what other sellers charge for their Canva templates. Observing the market trends will help you set competitive yet profitable prices.

For inspiration, consider successful sellers who have established themselves in the Canva template market. Here are a few live examples of creators who have achieved notable success.

  • Katya Varbanova, the 30-year-old owner of Viral Marketing Stars, has turned her passion for design into a lucrative online business. She shared her success story, revealing that she made an impressive $1.4 million in revenue selling Canva templates.

  • Another noteworthy creator, Raya Oklah, experienced substantial success, making $5,000 in just 30 days by selling Canva Templates.

Cost of Running a Canva Template Business

How much does it cost to  create a canva business template

Starting a Canva template business comes with its own set of costs, and understanding these expenses is important for managing a profitable business. Here’s a breakdown of potential costs associated with running your Canva template business:

1. Subscription Fees:

  • Canva Pro: While a free basic account is offered,to unlock advanced features and access a broader range of design elements, subscribing to Canva Pro is often essential. A Monthly fee of $14.99 applies.

2. Design Tools and Resources:

  • Graphic Design Software: While Canva is a powerful tool, you might choose to invest in additional graphic design software for more advanced features.

  • Stock Photos and Graphics: Purchasing high-quality stock photos or graphics to enhance your templates may be necessary in some cases.

3. Website Costs:

  • Domain and Hosting: If you decide to sell on your website, consider the costs of securing a domain and hosting services.

4. Marketing Expenses:

  • Advertising: Investing in paid advertising on social media platforms or Google Ads can help increase the visibility of your templates.

  • Email Marketing Tools: Using email marketing tools to reach potential customers may involve subscription fees.

5. Platform Fees:

  • Marketplace Fees: When considering selling on online marketplaces such as Etsy, it’s important to understand the various charges involved, including listing fees, transaction fees, and any other platform-specific costs. Alternatively, when starting out, you may opt for platforms like CheckYa. On CheckYa, you incur a platform fee only when you successfully make a sale. In contrast, on platforms like Etsy, you must pay a listing fee upfront for each item you post, amounting to a flat rate of $0.20 USD per listing in addition to the platform fee and the payment processing fee. Importantly, this listing fee is applied regardless of whether the listed item sells or not.

10 Canva Template Ideas that you can create to sell:

Canva Template Ideas

Here are some popular types of Canva templates you can consider creating:

1. Social Media Graphics: Examples: Instagram post templates, Facebook cover templates, Twitter header templates.

2. Presentations and Slides: Examples: Business proposal templates, pitch deck templates, educational presentation templates.

3. Printables: Examples: Flyer templates, poster templates, brochure templates.

4. Event Invitations: Examples: Wedding invitation templates, birthday party invitation templates, event announcement templates.

5. Marketing Materials: Examples: Business card templates, promotional flyer templates, product catalog templates.

6. Ebooks and Guides: Examples: Ebook cover templates, content guide templates, workbook templates.

7. Branding Kits: Examples: Logo templates, business card and letterhead templates, social media branding templates.

8. Educational Resources: Examples: Worksheet templates, lesson plan templates, educational poster templates.

9. Infographics: Examples: Data visualization templates, process infographic templates, timeline infographic templates.

10. Quotes and Inspirational Graphics: Examples: Motivational quote templates, inspirational graphic templates, affirmation card templates.

Where to Sell Your Canva Templates?

Online Marketplaces like Etsy:

Etsy is a marketplace to sell digital products and handmade goods. It is relatively easy to set up an Etsy store and list your products for sale. The website offers a simple and straightforward web form for sellers to fill out, allowing them to upload images, write descriptions, and select keywords for better search visibility. However, it’s essential to note that Etsy’s pricing structure can be relatively high, impacting overall profits.

Etsy charges sellers for each sale made on the platform. The charges include a $0.20 fee for publishing a listing, Additionally, there is a 6.5% transaction fee applied to the total cost of the sale, multi-quantity listing fees if you have multiple quantities of a single item, private listing fees for listing an item for private sale, and payment processing fees charged on transactions that use Etsy Payments. These fees, especially for small-scale sellers or individual items, can impact profitability. Competition is also significant on Etsy, with millions of active sellers vying for the attention of millions of active buyers. It is important to make your listings stand out to increase sales. Alternatively, if you want to avoid Etsy fees, you can explore creating your own product listing store using platforms like CheckYa, which we will discuss further in the next section.

Sell Directly to your Audiences using CheckYa:

Sell Canva Templates via CheckYa

In addition to selling your digital products on Etsy, an alternative way to sell your Canva Templates directly to your audience is through platforms like CheckYa. CheckYa provides a user-friendly platform that allows you to create and list your products for free, providing a straightforward setup process to set-up a custom-branded store within minutes.

Unlike Etsy, CheckYa doesn’t charge a listing fee. Instead, when a sale is successful, you only pay a platform fee of 5%, along with a payment processing fee. There are no additional charges for multi-quantity listings or similar fees.

CheckYa’s versatility extends to its distribution options. You can easily link your CheckYa link into your personal website or blog, allowing for direct sales. Moreover, you can leverage various social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and others by incorporating your CheckYa link into your bio.

Another effective strategy is adding your CheckYa link into your email signature. Driving traffic to your CheckYa store relies on using your existing network and contacts. By strategically placing your product links, you can establish direct connections with your audience, making it convenient for them to explore and purchase your Canva Templates. This approach allows you to maximize sales opportunities without facing upfront costs or excessive fees.

Etsy and CheckYa’s Fee Comparision: Which one to Choose?



Listing Fee

$0.20 per listing

No listing fee

Transaction Fee

6.5% of the total cost of the sale

5% platform fee on successful sales

Additional Fees

Multi-quantity listing fees, private listing fees, payment processing fees with Etsy Payments

No additional charges for multi-quantity listings or private listing fee. Only the payment processing fee is applicable

For someone just starting out in the digital product market, CheckYa proves to be an advantageous platform. With no listing fees and a 5% platform fee on successful sales, it offers a cost-effective solution for individuals or small-scale sellers. The user-friendly setup process allows for the quick creation of a custom-branded store. On the other hand, Etsy, with its larger audience and established reputation, might be preferable for established sellers seeking wide exposure. Ultimately, the choice between CheckYa and marketplaces like Etsy depends on your specific business goals, level of brand visibility, and preferences regarding control and cost-effectiveness, particularly in the initial stages.

How to Sell Your Canva Templates: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create High-Quality Canva Templates

First things first: Start by designing visually appealing and functional Canva templates. Consider the needs of your target audience, choose popular niches, and ensure your templates are easy to customize. Pay attention to design trends and aim for a style that separates your templates.

Sell Canva Templates

Step 2: Set Up a Seller Account

Choose a platform to sell your Canva templates. Popular options include Etsy, Canvas marketplace, or setting up your online store using tools like CheckYa. Create a seller account, provide the necessary information, and customize your storefront to reflect your brand.

Step 3: Define Your Pricing Strategy

Research pricing trends for Canva templates in your niche. Set competitive yet profitable prices based on the effort and value you put into each template. Consider offering bundle deals or tiered pricing for different template packages.

Step 4: Optimize Your Product Listings

Write compelling product descriptions for each template, highlighting key features and potential use cases. Use clear and attractive visuals to showcase your designs. Implement relevant keywords in your listings to improve search visibility.

Step 5: Market Your Canva Templates

Promote your Canva templates through various channels. Leverage social media platforms, create eye-catching promotional graphics, and engage with potential customers. Consider collaborating with influencers or participating in online communities related to your niche.

Step 6: Provide Excellent Customer Service

Offer prompt and helpful responses to customer inquiries. Be transparent about any terms, conditions, or usage rights associated with your templates. Ensure a positive customer experience to build trust and encourage repeat business.

Step 7: Explore Multiple Sales Channels

Consider diversifying your sales channels to reach a broader audience. Apart from online marketplaces, explore opportunities to sell directly through your website, blog, or other e-commerce platforms.

Step 8: Collect and Incorporate Feedback

Encourage customers to provide feedback on your templates. Use constructive criticism to enhance your designs and address any customer concerns. Positive reviews can also serve as valuable testimonials for attracting new buyers.

Step 9: Stay Updated on Design Trends

Regularly update your template offerings to align with evolving preferences, ensuring your shop remains a go-to destination for fresh and relevant designs.

Step 10: Scale Your Canva Template Business

As your sales grow, consider expanding your product range, exploring new niches, or collaborating with other designers. Scaling your Canva template business can open up additional revenue streams and solidify your presence in the market.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to establishing a successful Canva template business and tapping into the growing demand for customizable and visually appealing design assets.


In conclusion, selling Canva templates can turn your passion for design into a rewarding side gig. You can build a steady income stream by creating high-quality templates, setting reasonable prices, and promoting your work effectively. Remember to prioritize excellent customer service, stay updated on design trends, and adapt to the changing market demands. Whether you choose established marketplaces or set up your own shop using tools like CheckYa, the key lies in understanding your audience and providing value through your unique creations. Use this guide to get started, enjoy the creative process, learn from experiences, and watch your Canva template business grow in the ever-growing digital design landscape.

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