PayPal Fee Calculator

PayPal is the most widely used online payment platform in the world. Accepting PayPal payments opens your business up to wide range of clients at the cost of a small transaction fee . Our user-friendly calculator simplifies the process to calculate PayPal transaction fees, allowing you to quickly and accurate estimate the amount that you will receive after fees.

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PayPal Processing Fee


You will receive

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Send Custom Invoices

With CheckYa, you can choose to negate the PayPal payment processing fee by automatically asking the client to pay the fee.
Send Invoice for Free

Did you know?

According to ZipRecruiter, the average income for freelancers in the United States in 2022 was approximately $70,000. If you paid standard payment transaction fees similar to what PayPal charges on that amount, then you would have taken home $2,000 less.
Save 100% PayPal fees by invoicing via CheckYa

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the PayPal fee calculator?

Why use CheckYa's PayPal fees calculator?

How are PayPal fees calculated?

Does the PayPal processing fee vary from country to country?

What is the fee associated with sending invoices through CheckYa?

Is this calculator suitable for personal payments, or is it exclusively for business accounts?

How much does PayPal charge for a $100 transaction?

What are the other fee associated with PayPal?

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Sign up and Start Accepting Payments Today

CheckYa is completely free and takes only a few minutes to setup.

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