How to create a modeling invoice?

How To Create A Professional Modeling Invoice? Detailed Guide

If you’re a model looking to send an invoice for your latest photoshoot or promotional event, you’ve come to the right place. Clear and professional invoices help maintain strong client relationships and reinforce your credibility as a model. In this blog, we’ll guide you through creating a modeling invoice, highlight the essential details to include, explore free tools you can use, and discuss different ways to bill your clients. Whether you’re an experienced model or just starting, this guide has everything you need to streamline your invoicing process and get paid promptly. Let’s get started with the basics of a modeling invoice

Table of Contents:

  1. Basics of a Modeling Invoice
  2. Top 3 Ways to Charge Clients
  3. How to Send a Modeling Invoice?
  4. Conclusion

Basics of a Modeling Invoice:

In this section, we’ll go through the basic components of a modeling invoice and why each one is important.

1. Contact Information

The first thing your invoice should have is contact information for both you and your client or agency. This information is crucial because it clarifies who is involved and provides easy contact points for any questions about the invoice.

  • Your Information: Make sure to include your full name, address, phone number, and email. If you’re working through an agency, you might also add their contact details.
  • Client Information: Include the agency or client’s name, address, and contact information.

For example, you might have something like this on your invoice:

Jane Doe, Model

123 Fashion Ave, New York, NY 10001

Phone: (555) 123-4567

Email: [email protected]

ABC Modeling Agency

456 Runway Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90210

Phone: (555) 987-6543

Email: [email protected]

2. Invoice Number and Date

Assigning a unique invoice number and date is crucial for keeping records and tracking payments. This helps both you and your client easily reference the specific transaction, especially if you have multiple invoices or ongoing work.

  • Invoice Number: Use a sequential number or a combination of numbers and letters that make sense to you. For instance, you could use something like “INV-001” or “JD2024-001.”
  • Date: Add the date you issued the invoice, not the date the work was done.

For example:

Invoice Number: INV-001

Date: July 1, 2024

3. Description of Services

In this section, you specify what you’re charging for. It’s important to be detailed so the client understands what they’re paying for, reducing the chance of any disputes. Include the type of modeling work, dates, hours worked, and any specifics relevant to the job.

For instance:

Description of Services:

Modeling for ABC Brand Photoshoot

Date: July 15, 2024

Hours: 8 hours

Location: ABC Studio, Los Angeles, CA

Notes: Editorial shoot for the Fall Collection

4. Payment Terms and Conditions

Clearly stating your payment terms and conditions helps set expectations for when and how you expect to be paid. Thisincludes due dates, acceptable payment methods, and any penalties for late payments. Clear terms help maintain a professional relationship and avoid misunderstandings.

  • Due Date: While payment is usually expected within 30 days of the invoice date, the exact terms may vary based on your specific agreement with the client.
  • Payment Methods: Specify how you would like to be paid, such as through bank transfer, PayPal, credit card, or check.
  • Late Payment Terms: If applicable, outline any fees for late payments.

An example of payment terms might look like this:

Payment Terms:

Payment is due within 15 days of the invoice date (July 31, 2024).

Acceptable payment methods are bank transfer and PayPal.

Late payments will incur a 5% fee after the due date.

5. Subtotal, Taxes, and Total Amount Due

This section provides the financial summary of the invoice, including the subtotal for services, any applicable taxes, and the total amount due.

  • Subtotal: This is the total amount for the services provided before taxes.
  • Taxes: Include any applicable sales tax or VAT, depending on your location and the client’s.
  • Total Amount Payable: The total sum that the client is required to pay. including taxes.

For example:

Subtotal: $1,200.00

Sales Tax (8%): $96.00

Total Amount Due: $1,296.00

Now that you know the fundamental elements of a modeling invoice, let’s look at the different ways you can charge clients. Choosing the right pricing method can make a big difference in how your services are perceived and how smoothly your business runs. Here are the most common ways to charge clients in the modeling industry:


Send a modeling invoice via CheckYa

Send a Free Invoice

Top 3 Ways to Charge Clients:

Fixed Rate Pricing

Fixed rate pricing means charging a flat fee for a specific job or service. This method can be advantageous when the scope of the work is clearly defined, and you want to provide clients with a straightforward, predictable cost. It’s especially useful for short-term or one-off projects where the requirements are well understood.

  • Pros:
    • Simplicity: Clients appreciate knowing the total cost upfront, which can help in their budgeting and decision-making process.
    • Stability: You receive a set amount regardless of how long the job actually takes, which can be beneficial if you complete the work faster than expected.
  • Cons:
    • Limited Flexibility: If the project scope changes or takes longer than anticipated, you might end up doingmore work without additional compensation.
    • Risk of Undercharging: You must accurately estimate the time and effort required to value your services.


Imagine you’re hired for a full-day photoshoot. You decide to charge a fixed rate of $500. This means the client knows what they will pay, and you know what you will earn, making the transaction simple and transparent.

Hourly Rate Pricing

Charging by the hour can be beneficial when the duration of the work is uncertain or when you want to ensure you’re compensated for all the time you put in. This method is often preferred for events or projects where the scope might change or extend beyond initial expectations.

  • Pros:
    • Flexibility: You’re compensated for all your work hours, reducing the risk of underpayment if a job takes longer than expected.
    • Fair Compensation: Clients pay for the time and effort you invest, which can be more equitable for both parties.
  • Cons:
    • Unpredictability: Clients might be hesitant if they’re unsure how many hours the work will require, leading to uncertainty about the final cost.
    • Increased Administrative Work: You must meticulously track your hours, which can add to your administrative workload.


Suppose you’re booked for a 3-hour promotional event. Charging $100 per hour means you’ll earn $300 for the job, and if the event runs over time, you’ll be compensated for the additional hours.

Per-Project Pricing

Per-project pricing is ideal for larger, long-term engagements where a single project spans multiple sessions or activities. This method allows you to bundle services and offer a comprehensive price for the entire project, which can appeal to clients looking for more complex work.

  • Pros:
    • Comprehensive Approach: You can offer clients a complete package that covers all aspects of a project, often at a more attractive rate than if services were billed individually.
    • Clear Expectations: You and the client clearly understand what’s included, which can help manage expectations and reduce scope creep.
  • Cons:
    • Complex Estimation: Estimating a large project’s total cost and time can be challenging, and miscalculations might lead to profit loss.
    • Potential for Overwork: If the project requirements change significantly, you might do more work than planned without extra pay.


Consider a scenario where you’re hired for a month-long series of fashion shows. You might charge $2000 for the entire project, covering rehearsals, fittings, and shows. This provides the client a clear budget and ensures you’re compensatedfor your commitment throughout the project.

Now that you’ve learned the fundamentals of creating an invoice and how you can charge for your modeling services, let’s look at how to send a modeling invoice. Efficient invoicing is key to getting paid on time and maintaining a professional relationship with your clients.

Send a Free Invoice

How to Send a Modeling Invoice?

There are two primary methods for sending an invoice: using an invoice tool or a template. An invoice tool offers automated features and customization options, making it a convenient choice for many. On the other hand, a template provides a straightforward, manual approach for creating and sending invoices. Each method has its own advantages, so let’s look at each one in detail below.

1. Using  Invoice Tools:

The best way to send a modeling invoice is using free invoicing tools. These tools simplify the invoicing process, allowing you to focus more on your work and less on paperwork. Here’s why using a tool like CheckYa can be incredibly beneficial for models:

1. Ease of Use

Invoicing tools provide pre-made templates that you can quickly fill in and send. This saves you the time and hassle of creating invoices from scratch. You input the necessary details, and the tool takes care of the rest.

For example, with CheckYa, you just need to enter your services, rates, and client information. The tool automatically formats the invoice, ensuring it looks professional and includes all the key components like contact information, invoice number, service descriptions, and payment terms.

2. Automatic Calculations

One of the most significant advantages of using an invoicing tool is automatic calculations. You don’t have to worry about manual errors in adding up totals, calculating taxes, or applying discounts. This accuracy ensures that your invoices reflect the correct amount owed, eliminating discrepancies that can lead to payment delays.

3. Integrated Payment Processors

Invoicing tools like CheckYa allow you to connect various payment processors directly to your invoices. This makes it easy for your clients to pay you through multiple options, such as debit and credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, and ACH transfers. Having multiple payment options available makes it more convenient for your clients and helps you get paid faster.

4. Payment Tracking and Management

An invoicing tool simplifies managing your invoices by consolidating all your paid, unpaid, and overdue invoices into a single, easy-to-navigate dashboard. This feature helps you stay organized and monitor your cash flow effectively.

Unlike manual invoicing, where you have to track payments manually and chase clients for overdue payments, CheckYa can send automated payment reminders a few days before the due date, ensuring you get paid on time.

5. Multi-Currency Support

If you work with international clients, CheckYa allows you to invoice in any currency of your choice. This feature makes accommodating clients from different countries easy and ensures you’re paid the correct amount without conversion hassles.

6. Professional Appearance

A professionally designed invoice reflects well on you as a model and enhances your brand image. CheckYa’s templates ensure your invoices are visually appealing and consistent with industry standards.

7. All-in-One Client Management

Managing multiple clients can be challenging, but CheckYa simplifies this by keeping all client invoices in one place. You can access and review past invoices, track ongoing projects, and easily manage client details.

How to Send a Modeling Invoice via CheckYa in 3 Easy Steps

Here’s a quick guide on how to create and send an invoice in just a few steps:Send invoice via CheckYa in 3 simple steps

Send a Free Invoice

1: Sign Up and Create an Invoice

  • Visit CheckYa: Go to and sign up for a free account. The signup process is quick and requires no payment details.
  • Access the Invoicing Tool: Once logged in, navigate to the invoicing section by clicking on the “Invoices” tab.

2: Fill in the Invoice Details

  • Create an Invoice: Click on “Create Invoice” to start the process.
  • Enter Your Details: Fill in all necessary details such as your contact information, client information, and a unique invoice number.
  • Add Service Descriptions: Include a detailed description of the modeling services provided, along with the date and location of the job.
  • Specify Pricing and Terms: Input your pricing, whether it’s a fixed rate, hourly rate, or per-project pricing. Add any taxes, discounts, and payment terms.

3: Preview, Send, and Track Your Invoice

  • Preview Your Invoice: Before sending, preview the invoice to ensure all details are correct and it looksprofessional.
  • Send the Invoice: Once you’re satisfied with the invoice, hit “Send” to deliver it to your client via email. You can also choose to download the invoice as a PDF if needed.
  • Track the Invoice: Use CheckYa’s dashboard to track the status of your invoice. You can easily monitor which invoices are paid, unpaid, or overdue and send automated reminders if necessary.

Now that you’ve seen how invoice tools work, let’s look at how you can use free invoice templates to send invoices. This method is simple and perfect for creating and sending invoices manually.

2. Using Free Modeling Invoice Templates

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to create a modeling invoice, you can also use readymade templates that are available for free. These templates are a great starting point for creating a professional invoice without much effort.

Modeling invoice template free download

Where to Find Free Templates?

Advantages of Using Templates
  • Ease of Use: These templates are designed to be straightforward, allowing you to input your information and create a polished invoice quickly.
  • Customizability: You can tailor these templates to suit your brand by adding your logo, adjusting colors, and modifying the layout to reflect your personal style.

Limitations of Free Templates

While free templates offer a convenient solution, there are several drawbacks to consider:

  • Manual Calculations: You need to manually calculate the totals, taxes, and any discounts, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Mistakes in calculations could lead to discrepancies and payment issues.
  • Lack of Payment Integration: Free templates do not offer integrated payment options, meaning clients can only pay indirectly through the invoice. This can delay the payment process and require additional follow-up.
  • No Invoice Tracking: Unlike invoicing tools, free templates do not allow you to track the status of your invoices. You must manually keep track of which invoices have been paid, are overdue, or are still outstanding.
  • No Automated Reminders: Templates cannot send automated payment reminders to clients, making it necessary for you to follow up manually, which can be time-consuming.


Now that you know the key elements to include in a modeling invoice and sending invoices, you’re ready to streamline your billing process. By using tools like CheckYa, you can automate the invoicing process, track payments, and receive funds quickly and easily. For a simpler option, you might find free templates a great way to get started. Whether you choose to use a professional and well-organized invoicing system, ensuring timely payments and maintaining positive client relationships is crucial. Give it a try today and see how easier invoicing can get you paid faster!
Invoice your clients in minutes using CheckYa


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