Offer bookings with CheckYa

Offer free or paid 1:1 consultations using our platform.
No upfront charges.
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Trusted by 30,000+ freelancers and creatives.
"Very happy to see this new tool coming: a perfect experience for me and my clients I usually get through my social media, so easy and smooth to take a booking😍"
Candice Wu
Product Manager
"CheckYa has been a game-changer, allowing me to take bookings on autopilot. I take free discovery calls offer 1:1 paid consultations through the CheckYa link in bio page and this has been the best experience ever 🚀"
Kelly Williams
Head of Design
"In the past, I relied on Calendly for discovery calls and asked users to fill out a Google form for paid consultations. With CheckYa, this process has been streamlined, helping me close leads more efficiently."
Koray Okumus
UX Designer

Get way more out of CheckYa

In this 1-min video you will learn how to set up a free discovery call and paid bookings via CheckYa

See why successful freelancers choose CheckYa bookings

Easy bookings

Make it simple for your clients to find and schedule calls with you by adding your booking link to your bio, social media, website, and email signature. This makes it convenient for them to connect with you.
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Increase earnings

Monetize your expertise and maximize your earnings with CheckYa. Use our platform to offer your clients one-on-one paid consultations. 

Close more clients

Increase your chances of acquiring new clients by offering discovery calls. With a smooth scheduling system in place, you remove any barriers that might prevent clients from reaching out and booking calls with you.
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Simplified setup

Simply set your availability and let clients book a call with you at their convenience. You can offer free discovery calls or paid consultations using our platform.

Instant payments

Accept payments instantly and offer your clients a variety of payment methods like credit card/debit card, ACH and PayPal. 

Customizable booking page

With our easy-to-use tools, you can customize your booking page to match your brand and style.

No upfront fees

Our platform charges 5%(+ payment processor fee) only when you get a paid booking if your using our free starter plan.  Upgrade to the pro plan and pay 0% platform fees.

Client management

Keep track of all your appointments, payments, and clients in real time using the CheckYa dashboard.
How it works

Bookings made easy in just 3 steps

Set your availability

Add your booking services

Share your booking link on social media channels

Join 30,000+ freelancers and take your business to the next level.

With instant payments, professional appointments, and customizable booking pages, CheckYa provides the perfect solution for freelancers who want to monetize their time by offering consultations.
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