What is a partial payment?

What Is a Partial Payment Invoice? How to Send One Easily?

Are you trying to figure out what a partial payment is or how an invoice for a partial payment operates? Perhaps you’ve heard of companies that give their customers partial payments and are unsure if this strategy would be effective for you. You are, in fact, in the proper place. This blog post will explain what partial payments are in detail, explain how partial payment invoices operate, and highlight the main advantages of providing your clients with this flexible payment option. Additionally, we will introduce you to free tools that will make it simple for you to enter manual payments on your invoices. By the end of this blog, you will have all the knowledge and resources necessary to begin utilizing partial payment invoices efficiently. Let’s begin by defining what an invoice for partial payment is.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is an invoice for partial payment?
  2. Advantages of Offering Partial Payment Invoices:
  3. How to Send an Invoice for Partial Payment and Manually Record Them Using CheckYa?
  4. Conclusion

Send invoice and get paid 2x faster

What is an invoice for partial payment?

An invoice that is generated when a customer agrees to pay for goods or services over time in installments rather than all at once is known as a partial payment invoice. The client pays in smaller installments rather than the full sum up front, which helps them better manage their budget and guarantees you get paid for the work you provide. Long-term projects, larger purchases, or clients who do not have the cash on hand to pay everything at once can benefit most from this.

To further comprehend partial payments, let’s examine an example. Assume you are a web designer who charges $5,000 for a complete website development package. You agree that your client will pay 40% of the whole price ($2,000) up front and the remaining 60% ($3,000) after the project is finished, rather than expecting them to pay the entire amount at once. You can instantly record the $2,000 deposit as a partial payment as you receive it.

You can manually record the $2,000 received, modify the remaining amount, and provide the client a revised partial payment invoice indicating that they have paid $2,000 and still owe $3,000 by using a program such as CheckYa.

This is an example  of an invoice that was created using CheckYa for a partial payment.

Here's an example of a Partial Payment Invoice sent via CheckYa

Create an Invoice on CheckYa

Now that you know what a partial payment invoice is, let’s look the advantages that your may experience by providing this kind of payment option.

Advantages of Offering Partial Payment Invoices:

1. Better Cash Flow

Offering partial payments has several benefits, the most important of which is that it keeps your revenue stream consistent. You receive payments in installments rather than waiting for a lump sum payment after a project is finished, which prevents your bank account from emptying while you’re still working on the project. Small enterprises and independent contractors who depend on regular payments to meet their overhead should pay particular attention to this.

2. Easier for Customers to Handle Bills:

Some customers are unable to make sizable upfront payments. Your clients will find it easier to manage their spending if you allow them to stretch them out over time with partial payments. Clients are more inclined to stick with you, even for more expensive services, when they are not under as much financial strain. Both parties benefit from this.

3. Lowers the Risk of Non-Payment:

Receiving some payments in advance makes it less likely that you’ll be left holding the bag after a project is done. At least you have a portion of the payment in case a client abruptly vanishes or doesn’t pay. It’s a safety measure that guarantees you won’t walk away from weeks or months of labor empty-handed.

Now that you understand the benefits of offering partial payment invoices, let’s dive into how you can actually send one and record those payments manually using free-to-use tools like CheckYa.

How to Send an Invoice for Partial Payment and Manually Record Them Using CheckYa?

1. Make an invoice that breaks down payments.

Make an invoice at the beginning of the project that specifies the overall cost and the amount the client must pay at each stage. For example, if you’re charging $5,000 for a project and the client is paying in two installments, you’ll want to list the full amount, then break it down: the first payment might be $2,500 upfront and the remaining $2,500 due upon completion.

2. Include All Necessary Details

Make sure you provide all the important details, such as:

– Payment due dates for each installment.
– What each payment covers (if you’re working on different stages of a project).
– Any penalties for late payments if you choose to include them.

By including this information, your client will know exactly when to pay and how much is due at each stage. Tools like CheckYa give you a premade template of all the important details you need to have in an invoice making it easy for you to simply dill and send.

3. Update Your Invoice

As you receive each partial payment, update the invoice to reflect how much has been paid and how much is still outstanding. A tool like CheckYa makes this process simple. Here’s how to do it. After receiving the payment, log into your CheckYa account and find the specific invoice for the project or service you’re working on. CheckYa keeps everything neatly organized, so it’s easy to locate the correct invoice even if you’re managing multiple clients at once.

Here’s how to mark an invoice as partially paid:

1. Head to the “Invoices” section and select the invoice you want to update.

2. Click on the three dots and choose “View.”

3. On the right side, find the “Add Payment” option.

Add Payment

4. Enter the amount you’ve received, add any notes if needed, and click “Save.”

5. And there you have it! The invoice will automatically show the updated balance due.

Updated invoice with balance due

4. Send the Updated Invoice to Your Client

Once the payment is logged, you can send an updated invoice to your client showing how much has been paid and what remains outstanding.

Create an Invoice on CheckYa

And that’s it! you’ve successfully sent a partial payment invoice and tracked the payment manually using CheckYa.


Now that you understand what partial payments are, how they can benefit your business, and how to use free tools like CheckYa to send and record partial payment invoices, use these steps to send a partial payment invoice and manage your business cash flow better.

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