7 invoicing best practices you need to know in 2024

7 Invoicing best practices you need to know in 2024!

Looking for invoicing best practices? You’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll provide you with the essential practices you need to know before sending out your next invoice. Plus, we’ll introduce you to invoicing tools designed to align with these best practices. These tools not only ensure professionalism but also simplify the process of creating and sending invoices to your clients. Let’s jump right in and get started.

Pro Tip: If you want to keep up with all the best practices for invoicing, a software like CheckYa can help you automatically do it. Bill your customer easily with our invoice template and get paid on time. Send an invoice today for free here

7 Invoicing best practices you need to know in 2024:

  1. Use a Simple Invoice Template/Tool
  2. Send Your Invoices in a Timely Manner
  3. Automate Your Invoices
  4. Use Invoice Numbers
  5. Explain Payment Terms Clearly
  6. Accept Online Payments
  7. Send a Thank-You After Receiving Payments for Your Invoice

7 Invoicing Best Practices:

Invoicing is important for any business. It’s not just about getting paid; it’s also about showing your clients that you’re professional and organized. Here are some easy-to-follow tips to make sure your invoicing process runs smoothly. The first best practice is to use a professional invoice template or an invoicing tool 

1. Use a Simple Invoice Template/Tool:

Choose a basic invoice template that includes your company’s information, the goods or services provided, and their respective costs. A clear layout helps your clients easily understand what they’re paying for.

Alternatively, consider using invoicing tools like CheckYa, which offers ready-to-use email templates for professional invoices. With CheckYa, you can fill in the necessary details and send invoices within minutes. It provides multiple payment options such as credit card, debit card, ACH payments, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and PayPal. Additionally, it offers automated reminders before the due date to ensure prompt payments. You can also track all your invoices, whether paid, unpaid, or overdue, in one convenient dashboard.

CheckYa invoice payment option

2. Send Your Invoices in a Timely Manner:

Once you have decided on a temp[late or tool, the next thing is sending invoices in a timely manner./ Sending invoices on time is very important! It helps you get paid faster and shows your clients that you’re organized and reliable. When you send invoices promptly after completing a project or delivering a service, you improve your cash flow, and reduce the chances of payment delays. To make sure you send invoices on time, consider using automated systems or setting reminders. 

3. Automate Your Invoices:

Save time and minimize errors by using software to automatically send out invoices. Set up recurring invoices for regular clients and reminders for overdue payments. This means you don’t have to manually send out invoices each time, and you can easily keep track of who has paid and who hasn’t.

4. Use Invoice Numbers:

Assign a unique number to each invoice for easy tracking and organization. This helps prevent confusion and simplifies record-keeping. By assigning a distinct number to every invoice, you create a systematic way to identify and manage your invoices efficiently. This practice helps prevent confusion, especially when dealing with multiple clients or projects simultaneously. Additionally, using invoice numbers simplifies record-keeping, making it easier to track payments, monitor outstanding invoices, and reconcile accounts. Tools like CheckYa assigns distinct number to every invoice that you create and send.

5. Explain Payment Terms Clearly:

Ensure your clients understand when payment is due, how they can pay, and any consequences for late payment. Clear communication helps prevent misunderstandings. Specify the payment terms clearly in your invoice, including the due date for payment. Most freelancers and small businesses typically request payment within 7 days. With CheckYa’s invoice tool, you have the flexibility to set due dates according to your payment terms. Additionally, CheckYa automatically sends reminders two days before the due date to ensure timely payments.

Pro Tip: If you’ve agreed upon late fees in a contract, make sure to include this information in the terms section of your invoice. Similarly, consider offering discounts for early payment to incentivize prompt settlement of invoices.

6. Accept Online Payments:

When invoicing your clients, it’s important to provide them with convenient payment options. Make it easy for your clients to pay by accepting online payments. Credit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers are all popular options that speed up the payment process. With tools like CheckYa, you can collect payments via various methods, including credit card, debit card, ACH payments, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and PayPal. By offering multiple payment options, you accommodate your clients’ preferences and streamline the payment process for faster transactions.

7. Send a Thank-You After Receiving Payments for Your Invoice

Sending a thank-you message after your clients make a payment is a great way to show appreciation. It’s a simple but important gesture that makes your clients feel valued and respected. Keep your thank-you message sincere and brief, expressing gratitude for their prompt payment. This small act of appreciation can go a long way in building lasting client relationships.

Send Professional Invoices Via CheckYa for Free

Now that you’re familiar with the best invoicing practices to streamline your billing process, let’s explore tools designed to simplify invoicing while adhering to these practices. CheckYa is one such tool that is specifically created with these best practices in mind. Let’s take a look at how you can create professional invoices via CheckYa:

Steps to invoice via CheckYa

  1. Sign Up for CheckYa: First things first, sign up for a free account on CheckYa. Select invoices from the left menu bar and click on create invoice. 
  2. Fill in Invoice Details: Next, fill in the required details on the invoice template. This includes your company’s information, such as your business name, and contact details. Be sure to include the client’s information as well, along with a clear breakdown of the products or services provided and their respective costs.
  3. Select Payment Options: CheckYa allows you to offer multiple payment options to your clients for added convenience. Whether it’s credit card, debit card, ACH payments, or PayPal, you can choose the methods that work best for your business.
  4. Set Payment Terms and Due Date: Specify the payment terms, including the due date for payment and any applicable late fees or discounts. Clear communication of payment expectations helps avoid confusion and ensures timely payments.
  5. Review and Send: Take a moment to review the invoice for accuracy and completeness. Once done, simply hit the send button, and your invoice will be delivered to your client’s inbox instantly.
  6. Track Payments and Reminders: CheckYa makes it easy to track the status of your invoices in real-time. You can monitor payments, view outstanding invoices, and send automated reminders to clients for overdue payments. 


By implementing the invoicing best practices outlined in this blog post, you can streamline your invoicing process, and ensure timely payments from your clients. From using clear and concise invoice templates to accepting online payments and leveraging automation tools like CheckYa, there are numerous strategies you can employ to optimize your billing workflow.  So, whether you’re a freelancer, entrepreneur, or small business owner, prioritize invoicing best practices to propel your business forward. With the right tools and techniques at your disposal, you can simplify invoicing, improve cash flow, and focus on what you do best—delivering exceptional products and services to your clients.Invoice your clients in minutes using CheckYa

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