How to make an invoice on google docs?

How to Make an Invoice on Google Docs? Steps and Screenshots Included!

If you are looking to create and send professional invoices using Google Docs, you’ve come to the right place. This blog will guide you through a practical and easy to follow tutorial with screenshots on how to make an invoice on Google Docs, complete with helpful screenshots for visual clarity. Additionally, we’ll introduce you to a free invoicing tool that can cut your invoice preparation time in half compared to creating templates manually on Google Docs. This tool also ensures faster payment processing without the need for manual follow-ups. Let’s dive in and optimize your invoicing workflow!

Table of Contents:

  1. How to Make an Invoice on Google Docs
  2. A Better Alternative to Google Docs Invoices
  3. How to Create an Invoice with CheckYa in 3 Easy Steps
  4. Conclusion

Invoice via CheckYa for free

How to Make an Invoice on Google Docs:

1. Create a Blank Document in Google Docs: Open Google Docs and select a blank template.

Click on blank template

2. Add Your Logo and Invoice Title:

    • Go to Format -> Click on Header/Footer
    • Go to Insert -> Image -> Upload from the computer to add your logo.
    • Resize and align the logo as needed.
    • Add the text “Invoice” on the right side of the header.

Add your logo

3. Assign an Invoice Number and Add Other Details:

  • Add your business details and the client’s details. This can include:
        • Your Name
        • Your Email
        • Business Address
        • Business Phone Number
  • To do this, insert a table:
          • Go to Insert -> Table and create a 2×2 table.
          • Enter your details on the left and the client’s on the right.
          • Enter the invoice number in one of the cells.
  • Remove the table’s gridlines: Right-click the table, select Table properties, and set the Table border to 0 pt.

Assign invoice number and other details


4. Add Service Details with Line Items:

Insert another table for the service details:

  • Go to Insert -> Table and create a table with four columns and enough rows for your line items.
  • Label the columns as “Description,” “Quantity,” “Hours Worked,” and “Total.
  • Enter the details for each service provided.
  • To add colours: Highlight the table, click the Background colour button, and choose a colour that matches your branding.

Add your invoice number and other details

5. Add Payment Terms, Discounts, Taxes, and Total Amount:

  • Insert a table for payment details: Go to Insert -> Table and create a 3×4 table.
  • Merge the four empty cells: Highlight the cells, right-click, and select Merge cells.
  • Remove the gridlines: Right-click the table, select Table properties, and set the Table border to 0 pt.
  • Adjust the font colour to match your branding.

Following these steps, you’ll create a professional invoice to send to your clients.

A Better Alternative to Google Docs Invoices: CheckYa

While Google Docs allows you to create professional-looking invoices, the process can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Manually inputting details, calculating totals, and tracking payments can lead to delays and mistakes. To streamline your invoicing process, reduce errors, and save time, consider using a free invoicing tool like CheckYa. Here’s why CheckYa is a superior choice compared to Google Docs:

1. Time Efficiency and Professional Design:

CheckYa is free, just like Google Docs, but it offers professionally designed templates that you can fill out and send in minutes. This feature reduces your invoice creation time by 90%, allowing you to focus on other essential aspects of your business.

2. Comprehensive Payment Tracking:

With CheckYa, you can easily track all your paid, unpaid, and overdue invoices in one place. In contrast, using Google Docs requires you to manually search through each invoice, making it difficult to keep track of payment statuses.

3. Automated Payment Reminder:

CheckYa allows you to send automated reminders for due invoices, eliminating manual follow-ups. This automation ensures timely payments and reduces your administrative burden.

4. Unique Invoice Number Generation:

Each invoice created with CheckYa is automatically assigned a unique invoice number. This saves you the hassle of manually keeping track of invoice numbers, reducing the risk of duplication and confusion.

5. Easy Payment Integration:

CheckYa supports integration with popular payment methods like PayPal and Stripe, enabling clients to pay with just a tap of a button. Additionally, CheckYa offers various payment options such as Google Pay, Apple Pay, credit card, debit card, ACH, and PayPal, providing flexibility for your clients.

6. Flexible Payment Processing Fee Management:

CheckYa allows you to handle payment processing fees according to your preferences. You can split the fees with your clients or pass the full fee onto them. This flexibility is not availablewith Google Docs, giving CheckYa a significant advantage.

How to Create an Invoice with CheckYa in 3 Easy Steps:

Send invoice via CheckYa in 3 simple steps

  1. Sign Up and Access Invoices:
    • Sign up for a CheckYa account.
    • Click “Invoices” from the left menu and select “Create Invoice.”
  2. Add Invoice Details:
    • Enter customer information, line items, quantities, prices, and additional details.
    • Choose how to handle payment processing fees with your clients.
  3. Review and Send:
    • Review the invoice for accuracy.
    • Send the invoice to your client, who will receive it instantly.


Invoicing is essential for any business, and while Google Docs can help, it can be slow and error-prone. CheckYa provides a better solution with its time-saving features, professional templates, and automatic payment tracking. Using CheckYa, you can create, send, and manage invoices quickly and accurately, ensuring you get paid on time without extra effort. Whether you’re a small business owner or a freelancer, CheckYa simplifies invoicing, letting you focus more on growing your business. Try CheckYa today and see how it can improve your invoicing process.

Invoice your clients in minutes using CheckYa

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