how to make a PDF Invoice?

How to Make a PDF Invoice? Step-by-Step Guide

Wondering how to make a pdf invoice and looking to learn how to make one yourself? Whether you’re a freelancer, consultant, or run any business, sending invoices is essential for getting paid. Nowadays, there are great tools that help you send invoices faster and get paid quicker. If you want to create and send a PDF invoice, you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we’ll explain what a PDF invoice is, show you how to create one, and introduce you to tools that make sending PDF invoices and getting paid two times faster. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents:

  1. What is a PDF Invoice?
  2. What should you include in a PDF Invoice?
  3. How to Make a PDF Invoice?
  4. Conclusion

What is a PDF Invoice?

A PDF invoice is a digital document used to request payment for services or products. Its PDF format ensures that thedocument can be viewed on any device and printed without altering its layout or design. PDF invoices are secure, easy to share via email, and can be saved in draft form for future reference.

What should you include in a PDF Invoice?

A well-structured PDF invoice should include the following key elements:

1. Header Information

  • Business Name and Logo: Adding a business name and logo helps your client recognize who the invoice is from.
  • Contact Information:Your contact information, such as your address, phone number, and email, for accessible communication.

Invoice header information

2. Client Information

  • Client’s Name and Address: Clearly state who the invoice is for.
  • Client’s Contact Information: Include their phone number and email address.

Client Information

3. Invoice Details

  • Invoice Number: Add a unique identifier number for each invoice.
  • Invoice Date: Include the date when the invoice is issued.
  • Due Date: Include the date by which the payment is expected.

Invoice number

4. Line Items

  • Description of Services or Products: List each item or service provided.
  • Quantity: The amount of each item or service.
  • Rate/Price: The cost per unit or service.
  • Total Amount for Each Line Item: The subtotal for each item or service.

line items

5. Total

  • Subtotal: Add the sum of all line item totals before taxes and discounts.
  • Taxes:Also specify any applicable taxes (e.g., VAT, sales tax).
  • Discounts: Add any discounts applied to the subtotal.
  • Total Amount Due:Then finally, include the total amount to be paid after taxes and discounts.

Total of your invoice

6. Payment Terms

  • Payment Methods Accepted: Specify how the client can pay (e.g., bank transfer, credit card, PayPal).
  • Payment Instructions: Specific instructions or details needed to complete the payment.
  • Late Payment Fees: Information on any fees for late payment.


Payment terms in invoice

7. Additional Information

  • Notes: Any additional notes or comments for the client.
  • Terms and Conditions: Any terms related to the transaction, such as return policies or warranty information.

Here’s an example of what a PDF invoice would look like:

CheckYa Invoice PDF

Send PDF invoice for free

How to Make a PDF Invoice?

Creating a PDF invoice is simple and efficient when you use the right tools. One of the easiest ways is to use a pre-made invoice template. These templates are ready to use – fill in the necessary details, download the invoice in a PDF format, attach it to the email, and send it to your clients. CheckYa is a free and easy-to-use tool that allows you to create PDF invoices in minutes with its ready-made templates. All you need to do is fill in the details, download, and send. This method is three times faster than creating an invoice in MS Word or Excel and then converting it to PDF.

CheckYa offers several advantages for creating PDF invoices:

  1. Free to Use: You can create and send PDF invoices to your clients without paying any fees.
  2. Invoice Tracking: Easily track all your invoices in one place. CheckYa helps you manage paid, unpaid, and overdue invoices and sends automated reminders before the due date.
  3. Automatic Invoice Numbering: Each invoice is automatically assigned a unique number, simplifying the tracking process and eliminating the need for manual numbering.
  4. Integrated Payment Methods: Connect payment methods like Stripe or PayPal to get paid directly through CheckYa. There’s no need to download, attach, and email invoices separately. Enter the details, send the invoice, and CheckYa handles the rest.
  5. Transaction Fee Management: When you receive payments through CheckYa, you can pass the transaction fee to your clients. Choose to split 50% of the fee with your clients or pass on the entire fee. This way, you keep more of what you earn.

If you’re ready to use CheckYa for creating and sending PDF invoices, follow these steps:

Steps to Create a PDF invoice via CheckYa:

  1. Sign Up: Create an account on CheckYa and go to the “Invoices” section from the left menu.
  2. Create an Invoice: Click “Create Invoice” and enter your information, your client’s details, the due date, line items, and whether you charge by hour or quantity. Add payment terms and conditions, choose how to handle the payment processing fee, then download the invoice and attach it to your email to send.
  3. Connect Payment Methods: To receive payments via CheckYa, connect your payment processor (Stripe or PayPal) from the invoice section. This allows your clients to pay through Apple Pay, Google Pay, credit card, debit card, ACH, and PayPal.

By following these steps, you can streamline your invoicing process and receive payments faster with CheckYa.

Other Ways to Make a PDF Invoice

While CheckYa offers a streamlined and efficient way to create and send PDF invoices, you can use several other methods based on your preferences and resources. One option is to use Microsoft Word or Google Docs. These tools provide pre-made invoice templates or allow you to create your own from scratch. They are customizable and easy to use for those familiar with these programs. However, the manual entry and formatting required can be time-consuming and lack built-in tracking or payment integration features.

Another alternative is to use Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Both of these spreadsheet programs offer templates and tools for creating detailed invoices. They are particularly useful for automatically calculating totals, taxes, and discounts. Google Sheets also offers added collaboration features, making it easy to share and work on the document with others. Despite these benefits, using Excel or Sheets requires familiarity with spreadsheet software, and you’ll need to handle tracking and payments manually.

Also Read:
How to make an invoice via Google Docs
How to make an invoice via Google Sheets


Now that you’ve learned different ways to create PDF invoices, why not try one of these methods yourself? Whether you choose traditional tools like Microsoft Word and Excel or convenient online pdf invoice generators, each option has its advantages for streamlining your invoicing process. For a faster and more automated experience, consider using tools like CheckYa. With CheckYa, you can create invoices three times faster and receive payments twice as quickly, eliminating the need for manual follow-ups. This ensures smoother transactions and better cash flow management for your business.

Invoice your clients in minutes using CheckYa

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